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Home > 2023/2024 Broomball Player Registration

Returning players - please do NOT register new, it results in two identical players.   For First and Last name - please enter in mixed UPPER and lower case - e.g.  Justin Bieber, not justin bieber, not JUSTIN BIEBER.

If you are a returning player, and are unable to retrieve your access code using the "What's my Access Code" link below, email with your name and email address to request your code (this usually occurs when you have changed your email address or if the DATE OF BIRTH or NAME you previously registered with does not exactly match). 

* Indicates Required Field

Player Information-

Are you a returning Player?

First Name *

Last Name *

Birthdate *

Access Code

(Only returning players need to enter the Access Code.)

Email Address *

Gender *


City / Hometown *

Province *

Postal Code

Phone Number

Adult (19 or over) or Youth (under 19) on Nov 1, 2023 *

On Nov 1, 2023, were you 19 or over (Adult) OR under 19 (Youth)? If you are under the age of 18 (ie. 16 or 17), print and sign waiver, submit to your team rep or scan/email to after completing online registration.

Choose your team *

If you are a returning player re-joining your team or you've confirmed with a team rep you'll be playing for the team, please choose it from the drop down.
If you do not have a team, please choose "I don't have a team".

Rookie? *

You have NOT played broomball in an organized league for five or more games. You are eligible for YBA Rookie of Year Awards.

Jersey number (if known). One or Two digits. Optional.

If not known, leave blank. Report any changes now or during season to team rep to get updated on web/stats.

Function in the Junction


2024 Playoffs


2023-24 Season Registration NOW OPEN


Broomball Referee Clinic
